A quick look at the EYFS 2012 Characteristics of effective learning Do you know the EYFS three Characteristics of effective learning? Our guess is that even if you aren’t aware of them you are probably putting each into practice already. However as they are mentioned in both the EYFS Framework and Development Matters supporting document […]
We have updated our planning records Hi everyone, just to let you know our EYFS 2012 Observation, assessment and planning records now include the development matters age-bands. You can now simply circle the relevant age-band for each aspect of the seven areas of learning & development. We have also updated our completed examples with the […]
A child’s starting points – For Ofsted registered childminders Why should I record a child’s starting points? When you first care for a child, it is a good idea to gain an understanding of that child’s starting points. This process will help you to provide appropriate care for the child as it will: Help you […]
Help – what childminding paperwork do I really need? Hi everyone, We have been asked this question by one of our members and think it should be easy to answer, but it isn’t. It would be great if either the Department for Education or Ofsted published clear guidance, but unfortunately at time of writing we […]