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**Alcohol & Substances Policy**The Integrated Review Completed example**The Integrated Review - Written Summary Template**Promoting British Values Policy**Promoting British Values ebook**Nap record**Alternative Care Plan**SEND - How I support Children with SEN or Disabilities**Easter Activities**Older Child's Leaving Questionnaire**Older Child's Questionnaire**Allergen recipe sheet**Allergen food chart - dishes**Allergen food chart - Child**Christmas activities**Nursery rhyme activities**Letter to parents about Ofsted inspection**SEND letter to parenst**Child's Allergy Plan**Allergy policy**College student policy**Completed example of a Progress Check at Age Two template with CoEL **EYFS 2014 Letter to Parents**SEND Local Offer Form**SEND Individual Child Plan**SEND Local Offer Form completion guide**SEND Local Offer input request to parents**SEND Code of Practice eBook - what it means for Childminders**EYFS 2014 - A summary of the changes in regulation eBook**Ready for Pre-school Record**Ready for School Record**Whistle blowing policy**Child-focused activity sheets**Pay slip creator**EYE factsheet for parents**EYE letter to parents**Sample invoice with EYE hours**EYE Charging policy**Exception from standard ratios form**Risk assessment record - exceptional circumstances change in ratio**Overnight care risk assessment completed example**A practical guide to the Expressive Arts & Design Area of L&D eBook**Zip-bag gloop**Six-monthly progress record**Progress check at age two written summary template with section for COEL**Understanding the World L&D eBook**Bad weather policy**L&D Tracker**2014 Holiday Planner**Transition policy**Jewellery policy**Baby massage policy**A practical guide to Mathematics eBook**Income & Expenditure estimator - up to 26 children**Example - What I've been up to today**Wow moments - why record them**Example - Child's Personal Plan (Lean circle version)**A practical guide to Literacy eBook**Dot-to-dot-style cards**House name tags**Sentence play cards**Child's personal plan - lean circle version**Lean EYFS Circle**Learning & Development crib sheets**Assistant permissions form**Assistant record**Four week meal planner**Emotions cards**Outdoor sounds bingo cards**A practical guide to Physical Development**A practical guide to Communication & Language eBook**Partnership in Childcare Plan**Photo Observation sheets**A practical guide to Personal, Social & Emotional development eBook**What I do when not with my Childminder record**Child's Transition record**Safe in the Sun policy**Nappy changing & intimate care policy**Intimate care record**Parent terminates contract questionnaire**EYFS Observation, Assessment & Planning eBook**Special Star Certificate**Record of Conversation**Supportive Partnership plan**Managing behaviour, positive handling & physical intervention eBook**Positive handling & Physical intervention policy**Our eBook - Undertaking Risk Assessments**Our eBook - Marketing your Childminding Business**Our eBook - An introduction to Adult-led and Child-initiated activities**Completed example of our Progress check at age Two - written summary**Completed example of our Starting Points record**Settling in policy**The whys, whens and hows of recording a child's starting points eBook**An introduction to the Characteristics of effective learning eBook**Completing your Self-evaluation form eBook**Child becomes sick record**eBook "Help - What paperwork do I really need?"**Physical intervention record**Complaints record**Visitor policy**Risk assessment policy**Collection of children policy**Our guide: "What to expect from your next inspection"**Income & Expenditure Estimator instructions**Income & Expenditure Estimator**Ofsted: Evaluation schedule for inspections of registered early years provision - Document**Retainer agreement**Retainer receipt**Fees Policy (with non-payment procedure)**Completed example of our EYFS 2012 Child's Personal Plan for a 10 month old baby**Completed example of our EYFS 2012 Observation, Assessment & Planning record for a 10 month old baby***Completed example of our EYFS 2012 Child's Personal Plan for a 42 month old**Completed example of our EYFS 2012 Observation, Assessment & Planning record for a 42 month old child**Mobile phone & Camera policy**Holiday Planner 2013**Childminder holiday dates form**Childminder changes to holiday dates form**Parent holiday notification slip****EYFS Assessments permission form**Additional permission form (updated)**ICT (internet) policy**My Wow Moment! sheets**What I've been up to this week sheets**Progress check at age two - your ten questions answered guide**Progress check at age two - written summary template**EYFS 2012 Observation, assessment & planning procedure (updated)**EYFS 2012 - A Parents Guide**Achieving my Potential: Self-development plan**Parent's questionnaire**Children's questionnaire**Overnight care Policy**EYFS 2012 Weekly Activity Plan**My EYFS 2012 Learning Journey**EYFS 2012 Observation, Assessment & Planning record**EYFS 2012 Child's Personal Plan**The EYFS 2012 Circle**EYFS 2012 Observation sheets**Updated Safeguarding policy**All about me! sheets**Development Matters in the EYFS (2012)**Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2012)**Our house rules!**