The Nutbrown review – initial thoughts for childminders

June 19th, 2012

The Nutbrown Review – Initial thoughts for Childminders


You may have heard in the media today about the release of the results from the Nutbrown Review. The review, lead by Professor Cathy Nutbrown was requested by the government. The aim of the review was to look at how the childcare workforce could be strengthened.

The Government is now considering the report and will respond to later in the year.

The report contains recommendations which I have copied to the end of this blog. From my initial reading, the main recommendation affecting childminders is Recommendation 5 : “The EYFS requirements should be revised so that, by September 2022, all staff counting in the staff:child ratios must be qualified at level 3”. There are other recommendations too about what exactly ‘level 3’ means. Remember though that currently these are only recommendations put to the Government.

Further it has been announced that the Governments Childcare Commission will now look at how childcare can be made more affordable. According to the BBC, this commission will focus on: “deregulation, child-minding and how to expand wrap-around care for schoolchildren”. I will blog again when I have found out more details about this and how it could affect childminders.

Nutbrown Review 19 Recommendations:

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