Petition to reject proposals to deregulate childminders

May 31st, 2012

Hi everyone

You may have heard in the media recently about a report from the think tank Centre Forum (written by Elizabeth Truss) called “Affordable quality: new approaches to childcare”. Here is a link to the report.

The report (as I read it) recommends ways that the author thinks would lead to more affordable childcare. Two of the recommendations are for childminder ratios to be increased and for childminders to be de-regulated and instead managed through agencies, which childminders might pay a percentage of their childminding fees to.

This report has been met with opposition from many within the chidcare sector and the NCMA have heightened their campaign calling for the Government to retain individual registration and inspection of childminders in England, within the framework of the revised EYFS. Click here to find out more.

There is now a petition which you can sign urging “the Government to undertake full and current research into all aspects of registered childminding and to consult with experts in the field, national representative organisations and most importantly those who are practising registered childminders, before deciding on the future regulation and inspection requirements of childminders”. I have signed this petition as I feel it would be best for the childminding sector to remain regulated, for many of the reasons stated in the petition.

If you would like to read and sign this petition please click this link

I plan to write more about this in our next newsletter and it would be great to hear your thoughts on this controversial issue.



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