Stuck with your EYFS Observation, Assessment & Planning?

March 13th, 2013

Our latest eBook: EYFS Observation, Assessment & Planning

Maybe you are a new Childminder, or perhaps an established one, and would like to gain an insight into how you could effectively carry out EYFS assessments in your setting. This guide is for all registered childminders in England who are wondering how to practically implement the EYFS Assessment requirements into the day-to-day running of their childminding business.

This guide first summarises the EYFS regulations regarding assessment. It looks at both on-going (formative) and age-specific (summative) assessments. Next an overview of how you could complete the ‘Progress Check at age two’ required assessment is given and the ‘Assessment at the end of the EYFS (the EYFS Profile)’ is briefly discussed. The guide then moves to look at on-going assessment with a suggested framework in which to carry out observation, assessment and planning for each child in your care. This framework includes four key documents, these are each detailed before completed examples are given.

All members can download this guide from our eBook Resources page now.



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